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The PMAC CP24 is a user operated simplified subsea Cathodic Potential (CP) measuring system that does not require the presence of a dedicated CP engineer and can be used by data recorders, ROV pilots or any other survey/inspection personnel.

Based on the use of the Silver/Silver Chloride (Ag/AgCl) Half-Cells, the system gives real time data measurement for subsea pipelines, offshore platforms or other structures such as offshore wind turbines that have a submerged steel element.

Continuous proximity CP and electrical Field Gradient (FG) readings can be read simultaneously coupled with contact measurement when required without having to change setting or probes. The system may be used for multiple CP survey types including;

  • Direct Contact CP readings – for absolute potential spot readings

  • Proximity CP readings - using either a direct (earth wire) link to the asset under inspection or by use of a remote half-cell for free flying.

  • Field Gradient readings – when the twin cell probe is fitted the system will display field gradient readings in both proximity form and during direct contact allowing for prevailing anode activity to be confirmed rather than visually estimated.

The base package contains all the items unique to the system required for use that wouldn’t be expected to be freely available elsewhere, including;

  • Single Cell Type Contact/Proximity CP probe complete with Ag/AgCl half cells,

  • Ag/AgCl remote reference cell on a 10m marinised cable, for proximity readings without direct connection to the asset,

  • Subsea electronics pod,

  • Copy of the display software for installation on the user’s own computer

  • US Mil Spec 18001K 99.7% purity zinc test block

  • Saturated calomel reference electrodes

  • Whip ends for connecting the electronics pod to the ROV

  • Full instruction manual with recommended procedures

  • Spare Inconel Stab tip

Download the brochure below to learn more about our CP Tolerance Testing Kit.


Please do not hesitate to contact us for more extensive information or individual consulting.

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